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A bit of a seasonal hero when the elderflower blooms, citric acid is also a year-round cleaning cupboard staple.  


Try it for - 


Descaling your kettle: add 80g to half a kettle of just boiled water (put the kettle in your kitchen sink as it bubbles up).  Leave for 1/2 an hour to dissolve away the limescale.  Tip the water away and rinse the kettle, knowing you're adding no toxic chemicals to the waterways.


Toilet cleaner: dissolve 200g in 150ml boiling water.  Stir until dissolved then add a squirt of Fill eco-friendly washing up liquid and a couple of drops of essential oil if required.  Leave to cool then decant into a bottle for a weekly loo clean.

Citric acid (food grade) - 100g

100 Grams
  • Citric acid

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